The SCS classroom
is characterized by structure and discipline woven with kindness
and harmony. Each teacher is a qualified Christian educator chosen
for his or her genuine love for children, teaching ability, academic
qualification, and spiritual maturity. Teachers, by their example
and words, encourage their students to learn about and follow the
teachings of Jesus Christ and to develop a relationship with Him.
Iowa Tests of
Basic Skills are given each year to provide teachers and parents
with an idea of how well our curriculum is meeting the overall needs
of our students. Our students’ scores, when averaged and compared
with schools around the nation, consistently rank in the top ten
percent. While we do not place overwhelming emphasis on standardized
test scores, we do feel confident that our students are working
hard and that the curriculum is solid.
Students are
taught self-discipline and respect for one another, for those in
authority, and for personal property. Both Christian and secular
materials are used; each carefully selected for its specific purpose
and overall quality.
We believe that
God has created each child uniquely, with special gifts and talents
as well as specific learning differences. Applications of children
with special learning needs will be considered.
is exciting at SCS
Here are a few
reasons why:
- All
students enjoy weekly library gym, music and art programs.
- Annual
SCS festivals in creative writing, art, math and speech let students
showcase their talents. Students may also compete in Association
for Christian Schools International ACSI regional festivals.
- Field
trips are taken to places like: The Guilford Fair, Bishop’s Orchard’s,
Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, Yale Art Gallery,
Connecticut State Capitol and theater productions. Students perform
in regular SCS musicals and other productions, as well as instrumental
- A
fun-filled field day is held annually.
Kindergarten program at SCS combines the warm, nurturing environment
of home with structure and training, thus preparing students for
more formal instruction. SCS believes that children should enter
the Kindergarten program when they are developmentally ready. Kindergarten
students are offered programs in Bible, math, reading, manuscript
writing, library, art, music, and physical education.
emphasis is placed on studying God's Word, on the basic skill areas
of phonics, reading, spelling, writing, language and mathematics,
and on the specialized areas of social studies, science, library,
music, art, French and physical education. Intentions are to challenge
the thought processes of each student at his or her own level while
focusing on skill development and mastery.
Bible is taught daily through a formal Bible curriculum and is applied
throughout the school setting using various materials and activities.
Scripture memorization is an important component of our program.
By employing
the use of traditional phonics materials, textbooks, and workbooks
supplemented with other resources, a strong emphasis is placed on
word recognition, vocabulary development, comprehension, and word
study skills. An appreciation for children's literature is encouraged
through silent and oral reading of a variety of carefully chosen
short stories and novels.
English program focuses on grammar, manuscript and cursive writing.
Various composing and editing techniques are taught in the early
grades. The materials are attractive and designed to build confidence
and success.
attention is given to spelling skills through the study of basic
word lists and the use of dictionaries and other self-checking tools.
The program is designed to teach the children to master spelling
of words using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic practice.
development, computational skills, and mathematical applications
are taught daily. When appropriate, children are provided with hands-on
materials to aid in the transfer of concepts from the concrete to
the abstract. Teachers strive to make arithmetic a positive, success-oriented
experience and continuous maintenance of skills is provided through
spiral review.
is an experiential program focusing on earth science, physical science,
and life science. Children are taught to investigate, gather, record
and analyze data in an organized fashion.
study family life, communities, the State of Connecticut, and the
geography and history of the United States and other nations. Themes
of patriotism and God's guidance in the founding of our country
are central to each program.
speaking is encouraged in the classroom setting, school assemblies
and public programs. Children learn to express themselves with confidence
through participation in school dramas, chapel programs and speech
library program fosters the love of reading and books. Students
encounter a wide variety of literature in weekly library classes,
which also teach library citizenship and library skills.
classes are offered in basic theory, singing, and music history,
including the study of various composers. An emphasis is placed
on music appreciation and the discovery of the numberous instruments
and the tones of each.
SCS music curriculum offers the students a hands-on look at orchestral
instruments. We encourage students to study an instrument privately
at the earliest age possible. When the children are ready, they
are asked to participate in one of the SCS instrumental small group
ensembles conducted by one of our music teachers.
art program combines skill development with creative expression
and is taught as a separate entity as well as incorporated into
other subjects.
provides its students with an enjoyable program aimed at personal
fitness, skill development and game participation with an emphasis
on sportsmanship.
(Grades 1-6)
French is introduced in grades 1-6. Students are encouraged to respond
with the correct accent and expression. More academic studies begin
in intermediate grades.
Resources Department
goal of the Educational Resources Department is to assist each child
in reaching his full potential by taking advantage of his particular
learning style and strengths. The team of the Educational Resources
teacher, the parents, and the classroom teacher works together to
provide each student with a rich and complete program. Learning
style evaluations are performed when appropriate and consultation
between team members is on-going. An Educational and Family Resource
Library is available for all families and friends of Shoreline Christian
School with a variety of helpful books, cassette tapes, and video